Season 2, Episode 1,Pens, Pencils and Crayons
Poetry of Christian FaithJuly 02, 2021x
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Season 2, Episode 1,Pens, Pencils and Crayons

On episode 10 , I believe, I said that the next podcast would be about children.  This is the next podcast.

There are a number of places were the Bible talks about children<  Mark 9:37, Psalms 127:, Exodus 20:12, Ephesians 6:1, Proverbs22:>  Some are about actual young children at others about children of God.  Today’s firs poem is about the little children and what we can learn form them.  My inspiration came from Luke 18:15-17.

“People were also bringing babies to Jesus for him to place his hands on them.  When the disciples saw this, they rebuked them.  But Jesus called the children to him and said, Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingd om of God belongs to such as these.  Truly I tell you, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it.”  (NIV)


Bless the little children

for they are what we were

& what we should be

when we come to God.

Come to Me as children, He said,




& most of all with love,




Bless the little children

for what they can teach us;

to smile with a heart full of joy

that comes from Jesus.

My reflection was:

Just a thought about Jesus telling the disciples to let the little children come to Him and how we must come to Him freely, openly and with loving arms outstretched without the requirement of expectations.

God’s Rhyme

© 2019, Tim Carter

Also from God’s Rhyme a poem I wrote for my children.


Dad, let me tickle you

under your arm

it’s one of those things

that really does you no harm

and it feels good-for everyone.

A laugh – loud and deep

another tiny and weak

and every kind in-between

Why five

for goodness sakes alive

I heard someone say

“because we didn’t want six”

but for me, five on the floor

is more fun than four.

God’s Rhyme

© 2019, Tim Carter

A book I need to finish writing, Moments of Rhymes in God’s Times, started out as a book of short poems.  Something different for me.  One night I had the idea to write children’s prayers.  There are four of them.  Posted on Facebook I said I would like feedback on what you  think of them.  Should I write more or go back to my normal writing?  Thank you for taking the time.  Got a handful of responses telling me to continue.   Hopefully one day I will.


Dear God,

I pray for  my family,

I pray for my friends,

I pray that your goodness,

That it never ends.


Dear God,

Open my eyes

As I get out of bed.

I see the sun rise,

Now I pray 

That I see You today.


Dear God,

Thank you for today,

Forgive me for my wrongs

So I will sing happy songs,

For this I do pray.


Dear God,

I know You are everywhere,

I know that you care,

Today it is my prayer,

To see you everywhere.


Dear Lord can be used in place of Dear God.  


7/25/19, tcarter


This next on is one of my favorites from Living In God’s Rhyme.

Pens, Pencils and Crayons

We hear God’s word spoken,

The Scriptures read aloud

To those who are broken,

Who mingle among the crowd.

We who have aged with time

Are like a pen in the hand

Of a scribe writing a line

In a gentle sea of sand.

We have written our lines

Of our many times,

Of the many dimes

We have spent on fines.

We have lived and written our lines

Of our past, the good and the bad.

Hopefully they include a line or two

Of the blessings we have had.

And there is the pencil used in school

As those who are younger

Write lines of times in the future,

Lines of unknown times.

With eraser in hand they can wipe away

Imagined futures and never lived pasts.

They can boldly write with nothing to say

Unless we show them the way that lasts.

Ever evolving, the developing mind

Will, as the search continues, find

The wrong or right way to write

The lines of tomorrow’s insight.

(Their future before them,

Formed by the writings

Of yesterday, asking them

What demons they are fighting.)

The crayon of the child,

One color in a box

Of many hued colors

That has no lock.

Pictures of smiles,

Squiggly lines,

Colors outside,

Some inside.

They are eager to learn,

We love them as they are,

It is nothing to earn.

They shine like the evening star.

(They come to us with open hearts,

Knowing we love them for who they are.

And as each and every new day starts

They have no fear of what the colors are.)

Someone sees






And love

Spread around

The room,

No longer in a box.

Don’t make God complicated.

Jesus made it simple.

And he said: “Truly I tell you, unless you

Change and become like little children,

You will never enter the kingdom of heaven.”

Matthew 18:3

Living In God’s Rhyme

© 2018, Tim Carter

One final poem if we have time.  



You’ve loved her from the start;

The moment you first saw her

She somehow took your heart

Where you never knew it could go.

Spring’s fresh air, summer’s sun,

As cool as the evening breeze,

Through life you see her run

Always, it seems, one step ahead.

& when she cries, you try,

Ever so clumsily, to comfort her.

& when she wants to know why,

You try to reassure her

She’s all you could ever ask for

& more than you ever dreamed of.

She can open those dusty locked doors

You closed so many years before.

But you know you really don’t care.

All she ever asks of you 

Is the little time you can share

For dreams & imaginary scenes.

Somehow she grabbed you from the start;

Tiny & fragile, you watched her grow.

She’s always had your heart;

She always will, your little girl.

 And  my Reflection:Written for one, good for all four.  Children are truly a blessing from God.  They will take you places you never thought you would go, at least not on your own.

God’s Rhyme

© 2019, Tim Carter

Oops, one more last poem

At Twenty Five

It was September – early morning –

late in the month.

She’s been awake 

since ten minutes apart.

The breathing beside me

only occasionally light.

And late in September

the early morning is right.

With all the control of inexperience

we arrive in time

to sign on the dotted lines,

and wait – seven minutes apart.

Time passes one grain of sand

in the hourglass at a time,

which is what January began

remembering June in the sand.

Eleven o’clock becomes two,

then, three becomes tense,

and time is getting tired

between two minutes apart.

Pushing for three and half past,

and arriving, she is pushed to the limit.

With tears in her eyes

the clock cries three fifty nine.

September begins,

a squeal for life,

tears of joy 


God Still Rhymes

© 2019, Tim Carter

Closing Comments:

Interview coming up in Episode 13.

If you give

Him the times

As you Live

His word rhymes

And don’t forget:  We are the kings kids and you will never get rid of s because we are His with Jesus.

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Tim and Dave 

"If you give Him the times As you live His word rhymes "


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